Locked ip

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Locked Links

When you send email with INTERDUBS then you can add a tracking code to the link in the email. This allows the connection of email recipients and page visitors. This information can for instance be displayed in the log screens.

To have the most stringent policy you enable both locks. See below for situations where only one lock can be beneficial.

If you are looking for a good default without wanting to know about all details then you should enable the cookie lock in the bottom of the second email screen.

Locked IP address

It is possible to lock the recipient of an email to use the same IP address for visits. This option can be found on the second email screen below the text of the actual email.

When the person clicks on the link in the email and opens the page for the first time this system will note the public IP address that the visitor uses.

Future visits of this link will have to originate from the same public IP address. Should the same link sent in that email get accessed from a different IP then the visit will be declined.

If you send emails in INTERDUBS then each email gets a unique link. You still can have multiple visitors for a page. But people can not forward the link outside the scope of their public IP address.

Locked Cookie

Likewise you can lock a link to the first browser that uses it. Since cookies are stored in the browser only that browser / computer combination will be able to access the link in question.


If you like to have a link sharable in a larger organization then you can only enabled the IP address link.

It is possible that the public IP changes for a visitor. A link that worked might not in the future. The cookie lock will not be affected by this. Likewise a person can open a link at one location (eg Work) and can still watch the content in that browser when he is at different one (eg Home).

Locks require email tracking

These locks only work in conjunction with the email tracking feature. Locks as well as tracking are being controlled in the bottom of the second email screen in INTERDUBS.


The link lock are implemented in a manner that will prevent 99% of all people from being able to forward pages. It is possible that skilled people craft their way around this feature. It is conceivable that they circumvent the lock. It is not as secure as other INTERDUBS security measures.

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