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Bugs are things that are broken or don't work as they should. If you find any please let me know.


OPEN: latest Windows Mozilla browser has issue with play in page

discovered: 090129

Some machines seem to have trouble playing back quicktime files

OPEN: erroneous download surge can temporary disable site

discovered: 090129

when a specific download pattern hits the server might run out of mysql connection temporarly. Happened 090129 and once 2008. Still not acceptable. A supervising daemon logs and warns on connection counts now.

FIXED: droplet and ftp loop can fail unnoticed

discovered: 090129 fixed: 090129

If events lead to the crash of the droplet or ftp loops then this would not be noticed by the system. A loop supervision daemon takes care of this now.

FIXED: Internet Explorer IE7 shows pages wrong

started: 090122 discovered: 090129 fixed: 090129

The default content for the html config patch090229 had a broken closed comment that cut IE pages short.

When you generate a droplet that has a / in the folder name then you will get a folder for each part of the name in between the /.

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